About Hu Zhen Long

1930 年代,胡腾老先生带着儿子胡清年从福建安溪漂洋过海来到新加坡。从老家带来了生产麻油的技术,在1948年父子同心协力于裕廊老家开工厂生产麻油。当时生产的麻油,除了一部分输出到马来西亚和本店销售外,还供应本地的杂货店。由于两父子一直持着诚信第一的信念售卖纯正麻油便很快的受到广大消费者的信赖,尤其是生产小孩做月子的妇女,会吃上这道姜葱麻油鸡驱风寒補補身子!

Hu Zhen Long’s History
The brand name of Hu Zhen Long was used in 1948 by a father and son Mr. Hu Teng and Mr. Hu Qing Nian. They came to Singapore in 1930’s from An Xi Province of China. In 1948 they began manufacturing pure sesame oil, a native artisan product from their ancestry home land. Their residence cum shop front and production plant was at Old Jurong Road. Besides own shop retail, the sesame oil was also exported to Malaysia and distributed to local provision shops as an essential fragrant cooking oil. It was also widely used in healthy meals for post-partum mothers who had just delivered babies. Due to their integrity in doing their business, the brand slowly became popular.Mr. Hu Ching Nian married Madam Teo who was from a Bakwa (BBQ Pork) family. Hence in 1972 Hu Zhen Long added manufacturing and selling Bakwa, a delicious marinated meat. At that time, some Asian tourists who after visited the ever famous Jurong Bird Park would drop by to patronise the shop to buy as gifts from Singapore.
In 1980, Hu Zhen Long was relocated to Clementi. By this time, the business was handed to the younger generation. The siblings continued to offer more flavours like Pork Floss and Beef Bakwa etc. These are ideal gifts for social visits especially during Chinese New Year !
While the Clementi premises remains as the flagship and continues serving the growing customers, the additional location in Chinatown brings the brand closer to all tourists from various countries. They simply fell in love with Hu Zhen Long’s Bakwa and local delicacies.
A visit to the Chinatown shop will be greeted by warm service and the nostalgia of the decor. As you browse through the shop, you can discover a range of our products on display such as Sesame Oil, various flavours of Bakwa, Freeze Dried Durian, Satay Cashew Nuts, local spices and seasonings, and snacks that are sought after by Singaporeans !